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International Journal of Microcircuits
and Electronic Packaging
Information For Authors

The International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging is published quarterly. Authors should submit manuscripts of original technical content to the Journal's Editor. The Journal publishes original manuscripts relating to the theory, design, and performance of microelectronic circuitry and electronic packages. Tutorial and review papers on these subjects are also published. Periodically, special issues will present collections of technical papers addressing important emerging technologies.

Regular Papers
Papers eight pages or less in length will be published without extra fees. Papers exceeding the eight page limit will be levied a charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. To estimate the length of a manuscript, assume about 850 to 900 words per published page. Each figure or table will generally occupy one fourth to one third of a page. The abstract is limited to 250 words. For the review process, three experts, working in the same field, will evaluate the technical content. The Editorial Board will determine the selected papers for publication. Accepted papers normally will be scheduled for the issue that is scheduled eight weeks after acceptance.

Other Submissions: correspondence, abstracts, special articles, industry news, etc.
Other technical contributions of 2,000 words or less will also be published in the Journal pending approval by the Editorial Board. Contributions may be composed of not less than two columns of text including figures.

Procedure for Submission:
Provide only original research, development, engineering and manufacturing manuscripts, short notes, and comprehensive state of the art reviews. Papers not submitted to, accepted for, or fully published elsewhere will be considered for publication.
Technical paper manuscripts should begin with
(1) a title limited to 20 words
(2) authors names, full addresses of all authors, and telephone and fax numbers for all authors
(3) a list of four to six keywords
(4) an informative 100-250 word abstract
(5) the text should begin with an informative introduction, followed by the text, conclusions, summary, references, and biographies.
All illustrations and tables must be referred to in the text. Illustrations and tables must be provided separately and not incorporated into the text. All figure captions should be listed on a separate page(s).
Standard symbols and abbreviation must be used. All abbreviation must be defined when first used in the text. All subscripts, superscripts, Greek and other foreign letters, and mathematical symbols must be clearly rendered.
The use of trade and company names and proprietary terms should be avoided.
All dimensions are to use SI units, and English units may follow in parenthesis.
References are placed at the end of the paper, not as footnotes.

Manuscript Style
1. Manuscripts must be type written, single spaced, single column, and on one side of the paper.
2. No styles or formatting should be used in manuscript preparation. No automatic footnotes should be used. No headers or footers should be used.
3. Reference all illustrations and tables. The initial reference to illustrations and tables in the text should be numerically sequential (e.g. Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, Equation (1), Equation (2), ...etc.)
4. References appear as a separate section at the end of the paper. In the text, the reference information is indicated by a numeral in a square bracket (e.g. [1]). Examples of correct references are:
Paper from a Conference:
[1] Jack John, "A Fine Presentation", Proceedings of the 1993 Electronic Components and Technology Conference
(ECTC), Atlanta, Georgia, August 12-15, pp. 21-33, 1993.
Journal Paper:
[2] Jack John, "A Terrific Paper", Journal of Materials, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 22-33, November, 1992.
[3] Jack John, "A Terrific Book", McGraw-Hill Publishers, second edition, New York, Chapter 2, pp. 22-33, 1993.
[4] J.P. John, "A Great New Invention", U.S. Patent 2,825,028, September 21, 1994.

With initial submission, include the original and 3 copies of the manuscript, each with complete illustrations, to the Journal Editor:
Aicha Elshabini-Riad, IJMEP Editor
University of Arkansas
Electrical Engineering Department
3217 Bell Engineering Building
Fayetteville, AR 72701.

Accepted, revised papers should be resubmitted with the following:
1. The manuscript and two copies.
2. A 3.5" disk with unstyled text (Macintosh users: please use high density diskettes). Tables and figures can be saved as
separate files, however hard, paper copies must accompany the submission.
3. Original drawings should be on 8bdx11" drawing vellum or board.
4. Only the coordinate axes for graphs should be shown.
5. Tables must be typed or printed on separate sheets and the data within be intelligible.
6. Photographs should be glossy prints of good contrast. Slides and negatives are not acceptable. Try to avoid using color prints. Tag the back of the photos with the author's name and figure number. Indicate the top of each photo by printing "top" in the appropriate margin.
7. Enclose a technical biography and photograph for each author.
8. A copyright release form must accompany the manuscript. A paper must be approved and cleared for release by the company/institution/foundation prior to its submission to the Journal.

Author's submitting papers for review and publication must complete this form and send it with the manuscript. If the submitted paper has been prepared as a "work for hire" for an employer, this form must be signed by the employer.

Copyright to the following article:
Title: _______________________________________________________

Author(s): _______________________________________________________

Is hereby transferred to the International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics (IMAPS), effective on the date the manuscript is accepted by IMAPS for printing in any of its publications. For authors who are employees of the U.S. Government, its contractors, or grantees, IMAPS recognizes the right of the U.S. Government to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the author's copyrighted manuscript for U.S. Government purposes.

Author's Signature: _______________________________________________________

Author's Printed Name: _______________________________________________________

Approving Authority's Signature: _______________________________________________________

Approving Authority's Title: _______________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________

A complete copy of this document can be obtained (via download) in pdf format.

Note pdf formats will require Adobe Acrobat or Abode Amber both of which are avialable for free from Adobe.

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